TWW FIC :: "State Dinners, First Ladies, and Party Politics - Oh My!" [CJ/Abbey, R]

Jul 20, 2009 20:33

Title: State Dinners, First Ladies, and Party Politics - Oh My!
Author: A. Magiluna Stormwriter
Author’s Email:
Fandom: The West Wing
Pairing: CJ/Abbey
Rating: R
Date Written: 20 July 2009
Word Count: 1030
Written for: femslash09
Recipient: lauriestein
Summary: State dinners are the bane of a politician's existence.
Spoilers: Post-series, by several years.
Warning: Established lesbian couple. Don't like it? Don't read it.
Feedback: Any and all constructive criticism is welcome.

Disclaimer: “The West Wing”, the characters and situations depicted are the property of Warner Bros. Television, John Wells Productions, NBC, etc. They are borrowed without permission, but without the intent of infringement. This site is in no way affiliated with "The West Wing", NBC, or any representatives of the actors.

Author’s Notes: I will say it right now. I don't write CJ/Abbey nearly enough. I finally figured out why. Abbey is so very monogamous when Jed's alive that it's hard to do more than strange, angsty one shots. And I've gotten so very sucked into CJ/Ainsley that I sometimes forget that I started in this fandom with CJ/Abbey. I could easily write more for this couple within this amusing little universe that I've created. We'll see how that goes…

Beta: HUGE thank you to shaych_03 for the last minute beta and title assistance. You totally rock!

"State Dinners, First Ladies, and Party Politics - Oh My!"
By A. Magiluna Stormwriter

"Oh no! Abbey, please don't tell me we've been invited to another state dinner."

"What are you complaining about, CJ?" I ask, slipping into my nightgown. "It's a free meal and a chance for you to show off that gorgeous body of yours in a fabulous designer gown."

"They bore me to tears. I don't know how you stand them."

There is real fondness in my voice as I smile winningly at her. “It’s my job. And, you know, I’ll have you there with me, making me look fabulous.”

She sighs heavily and stares at me for a long moment. "I don't really have a choice here, do I?" When I shake my head, she waves her hand vaguely in my direction and goes back to working on her crossword puzzle. "Fine, if you insist."

Her reaction is so like Jed's that I have to do a double take to make sure I'm not imagining things. No, it's definitely CJ. Josiah Bartlet would never have worn a threadbare tank top and ratty, ragged sweatpants to bed. A closer look at her face shows the strain as she struggles not to smirk. It's tough not to roll my eyes. Cheeky woman. It's a damned good thing I adore the heck out of her.

"Of course, I insist. Why should I be bored out of my skull, stuck wearing the unholy creation of a coked out designer, uncomfortable, and forced to smile and make small talk with the crème de la crème of the world’s finest idiots? Did you really think I was going to let you stay home, wrapped up in your jammies, eating bon-bons and watching basketball?”

"I'm not the one who was married to Jed Bartlet. And I certainly never would have taken a stab at politics of my own volition. So again, I ask, why should I suffer for your folly?" The air of total arrogance might have fooled me were it not for the half smile that plays at the corners of her mouth.

"Claudia Jean Cregg, are you quite finished?"

CJ looks up from her newspaper, definitely smirking now. "I haven't even started, Abigail," she replies sweetly, batting her eyelashes at me.

Now it's my turn to glare at her before returning to my nightly ablutions. I can feel her eyes following my every move. "I don't know why I put up with you, CJ. You can be a bigger jackass than--"

"Because you need me," she cuts in smoothly, ticking off the points on her fingers. "Because I make you laugh. Because you hate being alone. Because no one else will let you be in control." There is a shift in the mood as her voice changes from playful to something sweeter, something filled with a nameless emotion that tugs at my memory like the sweet scent of salt water taffy and ocean brine. "Because I adore you and would be a crazy old klutzy cat lady without you?"

"No, you wouldn't," I reply, heading toward the bed. There is a wild, crazy image forming in my head, and I swallow against a lump that forms in my throat and say, "You'd be pulling in six figures at some prestigious advertising agency and fighting off swarms of suitors."

She snorts inelegantly and sets the paper on the bedside table as I climb in next to her. Clicking off the lamps, we slide down under the covers and face each other. Moonlight filters in to cast a silvery glow over her features, and I feel the telltale prick of tears in my eyes. Her fingers stroke gently along the curve of my jaw before she shifts to pull me closer, molding her body against mine. Without thought, I nuzzle into the crook of her neck, breathing in her familiar, comforting scent.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"You don't--" I close my eyes and take a deep, steadying breath. "You don't have to go to the dinner with me if you don't want to. I know you didn't get into this to be the arm candy to a former First Lady who somehow convinced the American public to let her be President.”

"Abbey, look at me." Her voice is soft, husky, and she doesn't speak again until I open my eyes. "I would be honored to go to the dinner with you. I was only teasing."

"CJ, I--"

"No, let me finish, okay?" Nodding slowly, I sigh into the gentle kiss she brushes across my lips. When the second kiss comes, I don't fight it; in fact, I move to deepen it, but CJ pulls back to study my face again. "I knew full well what I was getting into when we started seeing each other. Yes, I could have run screaming in the opposite direction and been completely miserable. But I didn't, did I?"

"No," I whisper.

"No, because the publicity, the paparazzi, the hassles were all worth it. Look at what we've survived, and we're still together. All of it was worth it because you were worth it, and you still are. I don't care what anyone else thinks. Well, except for when I meet Jed in the afterlife. I don't want him to kick my ass for hurting you. You mean the world to me, Abbey, don't you know that?"

"I love you, Claudia Jean."

She gives me that broad, unfettered smile that I absolutely adore. "I love you, too, Abigail."

"But you're still a jackass."

"Duly noted." I’m so busy sliding out of bed that I don’t notice the sparkle of mischief that settles in her eyes. Some day, I will learn not to turn my back on my lover, but it won’t be today. The sharpness of the bite registers almost simultaneously with the soft slide of her hands as they curve around my body to cup my breasts. “Of course, if I’m the donkey in this family - then you must be the elephant!”

Her fingers are doing incendiary things to my nipples, but her words make me squawk indignantly. “The only elephant in this house is the white one that is that disgusting old chair you insisted we keep!”

ficathons & challenges, fanfic :: tww

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