Today's DailyOM Offerings...

Jun 11, 2008 13:54

June 11, 2008
Gathering Medicine (2 CD Set)
Angeles Arrien

Maybe you've heard of, or read, cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien, whose books include The Second Half of Life, or maybe not. Regardless, to really experience what she has to offer, one must hear her, for she lectures on shamanistic storytelling via the methods of the shamans themselves-namely, the oral tradition of telling stories, making myths come alive in our minds using the power of the voice. Gathering Medicine assembles many such valuable myths and stories from a variety of times and cultures-Native American, African, South American, Asian, and modern North American (her own wry observations and experiences)-merging many strands to find the common threads that run through all mythologies. With her quick mind, dry humor, and sharp instinct for pacing, you won't be able to stop listening for a minute.

The two discs included in Gathering Medicine are full of these great moments, as Arrien relates tales of shape-shifting sorcerers and sea witches, coyote tricksters and Zen wanderers, or watches the interaction between an old woman and a careless young skater in the park. The first disc deals with the daily questions people in indigenous cultures ask themselves: "When did I stop singing? When did I stop dancing? When did I stop being myself?" When we move from a place of direct experience of life energy and into a critical place of judgment we begin to limit ourselves; Arrien mends the holes we've made in ourselves, then fills us back up with nourishing water of the spirit, and then leaves us with a map to all the nearby springs.

The second disc explores the four gates, or archetypes-the north, south, east, and west-and the three different kinds of dreams-work of self, one-one work (art and craft of relationship), and collective work (medicine wheel work, gratitude hoop work in parts of Africa or "bamboo reed" work, where we learn to be "not too firm, but not too yielding" in parts of Asia). She then proceeds to examine the four directions and what mythical creatures each call their home. Absorbing this priceless wealth of information-the perfect thing to play while driving or doing menial home tasks-you will begin to feel calmer and stronger and more secure in your little corner of the world, recognizing that it is all the same corner, for everyone, and has always been so. And the best part is how cool you'll feel the next time you're helping a distraught friend and find yourself saying, "Well, there's an old African folk tale about just this problem."

June 11, 2008
Celebrations Of Love
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

A festive mood can come over you as you work and play today, prompting you to organize an impromptu party or get-together for your loved ones. You may be inspired to turn your fest into a celebration of your love for the people you care about. Whether your focus is on friendships, familial relationships, or both, allow your jovial demeanor to guide you as you make plans. Since you are likely feeling outgoing and genuine, you may feel more comfortable than usual expressing your feelings frankly. Should this be the case then today can represent the perfect time to compose letters of gratitude in which you thank your loved ones for giving you their uninterrupted support and affection.

When we celebrate the love we feel for the important people in our lives in a direct and obvious way, those individuals can be certain that our affections are strong and enduring. Many people treat love as something private, inadvertently causing doubt to form in their loved ones’ hearts. As we openly express our gratitude for the roles our friends and relatives play in our lives, we reassure them that the bonds we share are thriving. Likewise, our celebrations of love can attract others into our lives because the jubilance with which we view interpersonal relationships demonstrates that we value the people we care about and are open to new connections. Your willingness to candidly express your gratitude for the important people in your life today will ensure that they never second-guess your feelings.

June 11, 2008
Living In All Realms
Bear Medicine

When the image of a bear enters our consciousness, we may first notice their size, strength, and power, but beyond their physical attributes lay many traits that can guide us deeper into our experience of life. Their abilities as hunters and powerful protectors of their loved ones are well known, but you may also envision them on a quest for variety as they seek out the flavors and scents of the world, first fishing, then enjoying berries, or braving angry bees to indulge in honey. But their hidden strength lies in the bear’s ability to travel between the physical and spiritual worlds, a talent that is recognized all around the world by those who live in harmony with nature.

One way that bears access their inner world is during hibernation when they find a safe and womblike environment to let their physical bodies rest while their spirit travels. They travel through time, mentally digesting and learning from their experiences, but they also travel beyond the realm of mind and body into the dreamtime, where they are able to create their goals and then be rejuvenated by the source of all life. In this sacred space, they are connected to physical, mental, and spiritual realms all at once and can find the balance that they need to reenter the and continue successfully in the world.

Polar bears don’t enter a deep state of hibernation like other bears, but instead fluidly cross between realms on the physical plane as well the spiritual. Their reflective, translucent fur makes them difficult to see as they move across the frozen ice, blending into terrain covered with snow, making them seem like they are shimmering between dimensions. They move as easily in water as on land, agile and able in both worlds. They can remind us that we are one with our environment, inseparable from it. They teach us that while we can take time apart to connect with spirit, we can also carry that awareness with us as we move through life, making the spiritual indistinguishable from the material. By aligning ourselves with bear energy, we fully embody the best of all worlds.

daily om

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