Nov 03, 2010 12:00
Mon, 13:35 : I'm finally headed off to "mellow groove" the vote. I'd rock it, but it's a low-energy kind of day. ;) Mon, 13:47 : Hope I don't go up in flames before I fill in the dots! (@ Voting at ST. BRIDGET'S SCHOOL) Mon, 13:49 : just posted a pic: (@ Voting at ST. BRIDGET'S SCHOOL) Mon, 16:06 : I was doing pretty good today... suddenly now I feel like the south end of a northbound quadraped... or like something that fell out of it. Mon, 22:09 : I'm a slowbie... Mon, 23:03 : It's starting out crazy slow at karaoke! You should come out and sing! Mon, 23:04 : No longer the mayor but always the QUEEN! (@ Kryptonite) Tue, 11:12 : Is it normal for a writer to feel an underlying sense of disgust every time a new work is begun? The story has potential... Tue, 11:42 : National Novel Writing Month