The other day, I got my third brand headbow in the mail. It's by Angelic Pretty: plain black with gorgeous black lace trim. I figured since I wear a lot of black, it would be a good item to purchase. It can go with pretty much anything.
On the 15th, I went to Lilac Fest with my boyfriend and my friend. It was pretty hot out, but I was determined to wear my new vintage-y dress being that it was a lovely lilac color and would show-off nicely in photos with the lilacs.
Here's a pic of my outfit:
Full outfit description: Black velvet bow on a black metal hairband, golden bow earrings, lavender op, pink x white x golden flower cameo pin, golden ring, lavender belt, cream knit kneesocks, and black low-heeled slip-on shoes.
This was my first official attempt at a classic/victorian outfit. The previous classic outfit I had posted was kinda planned out last-minute, so I'm not really counting it. It was difficult to decide how to accessorize. Being used to sweet, I tend to just pile on the jewelry. I don't think you do that for this kinda style, so I tried to keep things to a minimum. I think it turned out alright. It was very comfy, but better suited to cooler weather. I'm happy I got to wear my new op, earrings, and pin.
Went shopping recently, and got more accessories~ 2 pins, 2 pairs of socks, woven-tapestry style purse (need to find a chain/strap for it)...
And plush dog crossbody style purse.
Last Sunday, I went to a meet-up at Sonnenberg Gardens. It was a gorgeous day to be outside; warm sun and the occasional breeze. I was very excited about going since it is only a half-hour drive for me to get there. Usually the meet-ups tend to be about an hour's drive for me. Whenever possible, I try to combine visiting my boyfriend with meet-up days. It makes things more worthwhile in my opinion. Well, that and he likes to come with me sometimes haha ;-)
Here's a pic of my outfit:
Full outfit description: Black headbow (Angelic Pretty), golden unicorn earrings, yellow short-sleeve blouse, teddy bear bunny pin, black parfait print skirt, yellow x pink cupcake ring, black heart butterfly ring (Sweet Poison Cupcake), black bow ring, white x pink bunny ring (Sweet Poison Cupcake), white bead bracelet, pink white x pink heart print socks, and black low-heeled slip-on shoes.
I went with a yellow x black bittersweet theme. The outfit was fairly comfy, but perhaps a bit better suited for cooler weather. Or, I could've brought a parasol to help keep me cool. But since I don't have one, I couldn't. After I toured the gardens, I went out to lunch where an older woman complimented me on my outfit, saying I looked "Very nice." I'm happy I got to wear my new headbow and blouse.