Mar 25, 2007 11:21
Just because the movie is about a different branch, and in a different era of war, doesn't mean that you won't need tissues through like, half of the movie.
*frowns* I rented FlyBoys this week and watched it last night, figuring that a WWI era movie about fighter pilots before there really even WAS a U.S. Airforce, ought not to trigger any great gut-wrenching sobbing scenes for me, right? I mean, Dilan jumps OUT of the planes, he doesn't fly them! XD (Btw, for those that are curious or don't remember their history, the U.S. Airforce became an independent branch of the military on September 18th, 1947. WWI ended in the summer/fall of 1918.) No such luck, unfortunately. Sometime last year, although I'm not quite sure when, I became a big blubbering baby, even at the most rediculous movie scenes. Yarg. This needs to stop.
Anyway, on a less emotional note, [Warning, spoiler ahead], there's a scene near the end of the movie where an american pilot reaches out and shoots a german pilot flying next to him with a pistol and kills him.
I'm a bit perplexed by the flipover that he does first, switching from the left of the german's plane, to the right, before shooting him. (Is there any significance to this move?? Like, a reason for it?? I don't know anything about flying WWI era fighter planes.)
But more importantly, is it even possible to shoot a bullet, while moving fast enough to stay aloft in the air, and have it reach your target several feet away, with enough accuracy to actually kill him?
It seems a bit improbable. I mean, I know those planes move NOTHING like the ones we have today, but I would still think that going that fast, you both would have moved ahead of the bullet's trajectory before it got a chance to impact. But of course, I don't know the speed of the planes nor the speed of the bullet coming out of a pistol in that time period, or else I could sit down and figure it out myself. I would need a history buff just to be able to tell me what the heck it was they were flying in the first place ANY what kind of gun they would be carrying.
emotional shit,