So the Ars-Autoamatoria is another of Crowley's brilliant little inventions. When looking it up on Google to be sure, I discovered these
reviews of the first three Aegypt novels that were so good I couldn't write for a week. Onward.
Rosie reads the poem in bed at Arcady. Pierce writes a love letter to Rose, and masturbates before the seal or emblem of her. A meditation on lust of the "unproductive kind". Rosie takes her birth control pill. Spofford leaves with Cliff. Allan Butterman says Mike is pursuing custody of Sam through the Powerhouse's lawyers and urges her to take the job with the Foundation to pay for her legal fees. Pierce starts to wonder if all magic is bad magic; imagines taking things too far with Rose, and actually killing her, when all he wants is for her to come.
The first chapter of Mors opens with Doctor Dee. He thinks Madimi is gone; Kelly's wife IS gone. Kelly himself is successful in the Work, rich and favored at court. Dee looks into the crystal ball and converses with Madimi himself, asking why she commanded them to swap wives ("For my delight only," she says.) She gives Dee a wind as a gift. Later Kelly gives Dee the secret of alchemical gold. The wind Dee has learned to use slips from him, and blows the passage time away again.
The European witch-craze is caused by the demons let loose. The werewolves are being found through torture and trials, mistaken for the witches whom they oppose. Dee is given to cure the werewolf held captive by the Emperor, and sets about treating the condition as a melancholy, with curved mirrors to concentrate the light of benefic planets.