(no subject)

Aug 02, 2005 10:50

Hokay, shuukyou loaded up the pics we took from the Dir en grey live in Belgium! :3

Now, before you go and go on a pic acquiring spree, promise to ask for permission from Am and me and to credit us if you want to use them... Do you have any idea how hard it was to stay at the front row with all those crazy fans clawing their way to the front, while you try to take pictures? :p (Well, they weren't really that crazy :p... just soaked by rainwater XD) So yeah... Now, without further ado, I give you a link to Am's photobucket upload :p... I'll upload them to mmy own once I get back home o_o/. Enjoy my photographing skillz on a crappy one-use camera and Am's uber1337 scanning and editing skillz! We only put up the interesting ones :p.

Clicku for Am's PB account!

For my report of sorts, go here!
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