I would watch a show about beckett the hunter, but castle would die in the first ten minutes

Dec 06, 2011 21:10

The latest in Ways Supernatural Has Ruined Me: I'm catching up on this season of Castle, and my reaction to the Halloween episode is not one I would've had until recently. The basic premise involves a murder that may or may not have been committed by a ghost, or perhaps a demon; though I still have ten more minutes to go, I'm reasonably sure there will be a sane real-world explanation. I'm hilariously disappointed, and also when Castle and Beckett stride confidently into the haunted house I may have said to the screen, "At least bring some salt and holy water!" but that's not really the point.

The point is that I was gleefully anticipating the moment a horrible spirit might leap out at them; I hung happily on every word of a ghost story Beckett was telling in the haunted house; I was enjoying being scared. I am completely bewildered by this! Occasionally I can be coaxed into a round of ghost stories, but I'm always kind of twitchy and unhappy afterwards. I avoided watching Supernatural for six years solid precisely because I really hate being scared. But ... apparently not anymore? Now it is apparently fun! I'm kind of fascinated.

(I'm still not going back and watching Bloody Mary, though. I have a closet door that is entirely mirror and a very active imagination, so I'll be sitting that one out.)

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fannish: castle, fannish: in no way a supernatural tag

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