three things &c &c

Dec 04, 2011 14:14

i. Other things I love about December: pomegranates are in season! I have heard tell that a clever way to quickly remove the seeds from a pomegranate involves putting it in a bowl of water, but I really enjoy the -- I don't even know what the verb would be -- the shucking of a pomegranate? Something like that. It's satisfying and slightly meditative, and sometimes during the process I get struck by weird thoughts like "I know pomegranate seeds don't need a collective noun, but I want to call them a carnage of seeds." Red juice everywhere! In conclusion, pomegranates are delicious.

ii. The amount of canon-checking I'm doing for my James/Lily/Remus/Sirius fic is slightly absurd. Can't kill the McKinnons yet, Lily mentioned in a letter to Sirius that Peter was sad about it sometime in the summer of 1981! Make sure all the side characters have canonical names and could conceivably be at Hogwarts in the late '70s! I have moon charts open, people. But I also have faith that I'll be done in the next few days, so I can release it into the wild and get on with the business of Yuletide.

iii. Apparently there is now a musical version of the Importance of Being Earnest. The mind boggles. If it manages to be successfully imported Stateside I am absolutely going to see it, too, not only because I can't get over this glorious mental image in which Jack and Algy have a duet about cucumber sandwiches, but because I have genuinely lost count of how many times I've seen Earnest staged. At this point I'm incapable of simply sitting back and being entertained; instead, I carefully weigh each production against every other, observing what was successfully done and which choices were less successful. So, among other things, a musical would be a bit unexpected, and I'd love to laugh at Earnest like it was new.

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fannish: harry potter, fannish: wilde, fic: wip

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