i. Got a Pottermore account last night! From the tragically limited selection of usernames it offered me, I'm StormScarlet127, which should be extremely easy to remember; I can't decide whether it sounds like I'm a particularly metal Gryffindor supporter or an Ororo/Wanda shipper.
ii. Naturally this vid exists:
arefadedaway has made an Erik/Charles vid to
Rolling in the Deep, and if you have Erik/Charles feelings, you should RUN NOT WALK to see it; it is pretty much exactly the vid I have been craving. It has footage from all four films, and it made me clutch my face a lot (which -- "I clutched my face" is basically my go-to shorthand for "it gave me ALL THE FEELINGS," but that's because things that give me feelings make me literally clutch my face) and I love it so much.
iii. Things I have discovered whilst writing Ragnarok: it's slightly absurd that Hel isn't a Marvel supervillainess. Seriously, she's perfect. (And she's also kind of
Mazikeen, which does not make her any less perfect.) This week seems to be stories about awesome ladies and the supervillains who love them.
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http://aria.dreamwidth.org/153236.html. If you'd prefer, please comment there using OpenID.