When I went to Pottermore today, registration was still open, but by the time I had the answer to the clue it was closed. If only I could figure out what mad schedule it was actually operating on! I mean, honestly I'm not that fussed, I just won't be there for beta period, but -- I am pretty sure I dreamed last night that I got a Pottermore account. To be fair, I also dreamed that I lived on a convoluted college campus and was driving through it on a Bentley, and when I got to my dorm all the corridors were mirrored and I went past Sirius Black's cell and finally Minister Scrimgeour had to stop in the middle of his haircut to lead me to my room, and then Ron and Hermione wanted to snuggle with me but were feeling awkward about this threesome thing. I think my point is that my brain is hilarious fandom soup.
Anyway, never mind that: today I'm writing Ragnarok.
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