troy and abed in the moooorning

Feb 22, 2011 15:53

I have finally caught up on Community! I watched most of it a while ago, before getting sitcommed out and stopping. (Not to mention that I occasionally get intense contact embarrassment from Britta. I know you're trying so hard, but stop being on my side!) But ... idk, I think I mostly just wanted to get to the stop-motion Christmas episode, and it's not like it's very difficult to be a completist when every episode is twenty minutes long.

Anyway, um, along the way I managed to get massively emotionally invested, although mostly in Abed and Troy. (If anyone asks, since I am given to believe that it is A Thing in certain sections of the fandom, I am on Team Jeff/Britta Because They Deserve Each Other, and Team Annie/Someone Preferably Female and Awesome For Her. I'd be on Team Annie/Britta except that I think Britta's hipster gay acceptance would slowly destroy Annie. ANYWAY.) But I really just want to watch the Troy and Abed Show! I am so happy that, at least from where I'm standing, there is nothing inherently "haha we're not gay NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT" in their epic BFF relationship. They love each other! They love each other and it's canon and not used as a weapon or a punchline! I may keep getting a little starry-eyed about this. I'm pretty sure that on onscreen romance with kissing between them isn't going to happen, but I'm also pretty sure that if did, everyone else's reactions would be the punchline.

Also, how much do I love Abed? A lot. He is such a nerd, and he is no good at people except for those times when he really, really is, and he is so meta I can hardly stand it, and sometimes I find him kind of attractive? which is weird, idk, I just want to hug him a lot. Has anyone written the fic where Abed literally breaks the fourth wall? I know he looks at it a lot, but he's never properly destroyed it.

In conclusion, like most of my entries about shows I'm watching but haven't put much serious thought into, I expect it's only mildly coherent. Also, Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas made me cry. Legit cry actual tears because I may be a bit emotionally invested in Abed.

(Also it is WHITE COLLAR NIGHT. I have been rubbish at blogging about White Collar, but I am pretty excited for this one.)

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