sparkle like bowie in the morning sun

Feb 18, 2011 14:41

It is 74°F here. Seriously. I am in cute summer clothes! I have already started the debate in my head about whether I should cut my hair to above my shoulders, say fuck it and chop most of it off, or actually let it properly grow out for the first time in years, and I didn't expect to start this debate until, say, April or May. I have vague plans to make a milkshake and go sit out on the porch later! It actually feels like my ideal early-summer day, except that the trees are all still bare and the pleasant breeze is making last year's dead leaves skitter along the road, so the whole day also has an air of complete surreality.

I am suddenly in possession of all the Vorkosigan Saga through Civil Campaign, and I'm wicked excited about that, but I find myself instead devouring The Pervocracy. (I suspect that pretty soon I'm going to break down and just read everything tagged 'cosmocking' because -- well, I have been known to take abandoned Cosmo magazines from airport lounges for that very purpose, but she does it much more clearly and articulately.) I have also embarked on the ridiculous project of Netflix-streaming vampire films recommended to me by Amelia. So far I've just watched The Vampire Lovers, which is an adaptation of Carmilla starring Doctor Who's Queen of Atlantis and the goddamn Rani, and ... holy crap, the wiki file of the poster genuinely has the tagline taste the deadly passion of the BLOOD-NYMPHS! It's just as awful and amazing as it sounds, and I seriously can't even think about it without grinning all over the place.

Um, basically, life is good. VAMPIRES! MILKSHAKES! &c &c.

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aria: silly, aria: joy, ol: links

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