move your body when the sunlight dies

Nov 20, 2010 16:46

Something I have discovered about being polyfannish is that, when I am in the shower or on a bus or folding clothes or whatever it is that puts my brain on screensaver mode, I will start making up crossovers. I love clever crossovers, and clever fusions (and, I'll be honest here, I would be perfectly happy if every fandom ever had a His Dark Materials fusion where all the characters had daemons and this did interesting things to the fic plot). Most of the time I do not actually get around to writing them down, but I do like to pretend that I might.

I am not quite sure why the rest of this post is a poll, except that I am in a poll-making mood and I want to know if people know what I'm talking about.

View poll: #5133

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fic: crossover, fannish: young wizards, fannish: doctor who, dw: poll, fannish: buffyverse, fannish: highlander, fannish: smallville tag noooo, fannish: inception, fic: wip, fannish: white collar

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