eight legs to the wall

Nov 18, 2010 20:30

It seems that mid-November is being bleak and hideous to everyone. For me this is mostly manifesting as a desire to hibernate, but while I am awake, I have been trying to seek out and create happy things. So here are two links and a poll!

i. Grace Jeanette sings "Na Na Na": that is, the adorable little girl from the Killjoys universe does a jazzy piano rendition that is almost unbearably cute. HUGS GIMME HUGS.

ii. Damn You, Auto Correct! What it says on the tin, really; it almost makes me want to get a smartphone, if only because the things are apparently hilariously dumb. I literally laughed until I cried reading through this.

iii. So uh I hear there might be this movie about a boy wizard coming out tomorrow? (The movie is coming out, I mean. I'm pretty sure the boy wizard has to wait until part two for his mentor to do that? IDK.) I sometimes pretend it has been years since Harry Potter was really important to me, but it is actually still mildly dangerous to say things to me like "What do you think about the treatment of Harry's parents' generation in Deathly Hallows?" or "Talk to me about the Black family!" or "So that Dumbledore guy ..." I have Opinions! And Feelings! And while I don't remember a lot of things that happen in DH (seriously, there was a dragon in the trailer and I was totally at sea -- this is what happens when you only read something once) I am still wicked psyched about it. So I think it is time for an impromptu show of hands! Tell me which Hogwarts house you belong in.

View poll: #5104

This entry was originally posted at http://aria.dreamwidth.org/115630.html. If you'd prefer, please comment there using OpenID.

dw: poll, fannish: harry potter, aria: joy, ol: links

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