in which aria gets useless during exam time

Dec 15, 2009 22:50

White Collar, guys! I am always behind the curve on TV shows, and the only reason I started watching this one is because ... um, I ran out of SGA, I didn't want to catch up on Merlin, and I can recite most of s3/4 due South backwards; but I wanted to do something not-taxing with my brain before I embark on a sort of compressed hell week that's doing a good seminar paper in two days. To be fair, I also started watching White Collar because I just finished catching up on Chuck, a show whose virtues are quiet enough that I usually forget about them, but I needed to get to the episodes with Scott Bakula in. (One day I will make a useless chart about how everything I watch these days can somehow sneakily be traced back to C6D; bless BSG, really.)

My POINT, though, is ... a few points, actually, one of which goes, "I think I'm starting a collection of OT3s." I'm not sure this actually counts unless I'm actively fannish about them, but I'm only two episodes into White Collar and holy god you don't need to convince me that Neal/Peter/Elizabeth needs to happen. I could potentially get really enthusiastic about this show, because I've only seen two hours of it but I am SO IN LOVE with all three of them.

Unfortunately my potential enthusiasm does need to stay mostly potential for now, because I need to go off the grid until I write my seminar paper. The only fannish thing I'm allowed to do is my Yuletide. And, um, Eastwick. But that's it.

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fannish: white collar

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