in which aria has watched way too much tv

Dec 12, 2009 10:01

Wow, I had a weird and vivid dream last night. First I was Merlin -- the boy wizard, not the awesome old man -- and I was swimming across a lake along with Arthur and Uther (?!); on the other side I met Morgause in a public washroom, and she tried to convince me that Uther must die. But I'd seen that episode many, many times, so I went off and discovered that Kolya was trying to take over Atlantis, as he often does. Obviously at this point I stopped being Merlin and became John Sheppard; then me and Kolya had close hand-to-hand combat with knives! I got stabbed in the side, which hurt like hell but did not much bother me because I was John Sheppard, so instead I stabbed Kolya in the hand. [My friend down the hall, upon hearing a recount of this dream: "There were knives, and you got stabbed in the side?" Me, knowing where this was going: "I was Sheppard at the time! It meant homoeroticism, not pregnancy." My friend, in delight: "That's a sentence that should be said all the time."] Anyway, Kolya called a forty-minute break to regroup, and I went downstairs to the dining deck of the cruise ship because I'd gotten turned around; really I was trying to find Ursula K Le Guin, because she was running the convention and had bandages (???). I knew that if I went back upstairs to fight Kolya again, I was absolutely going to die, but I'd be saving everyone in the process, so that was all right. Also, by the time I made this determination I ... may have been Fraser, because apparently I ascribe them similar worrying motivations. Then I started drifting awake, and was deeply annoyed because I still wanted to die and save the world! What is this even.

Perhaps relatedly, some results from yesterday's poll:

John Sheppard & Ray Kowalski: 8
John Sheppard & Benton Fraser: 7
Rodney McKay & Benton Fraser: 6
Rodney McKay & Ray Kowalski: 5

I am not able to make any exciting sweeping conclusions (nor would I even if the numbers were much more skewed, because this is a skientific poll, not a scientific one); the only one I will venture to draw is that wow, we as a fandom must really love experimental hair. Also, despite being a John girl myself, I'm sad that there's not more Rodney love. I'm pleased to see that it's horrendously difficult to choose between Fraser and Ray, though.

Now enough of this nonsense.

Originally posted at If you'd prefer, please comment there using OpenID.

fannish: merlin, fannish: sga, fannish: due south, rl: dream

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