my paul gross arms of joy cannot be textually conveyed

Oct 21, 2009 23:19


+ Despite still being only about 60% of a functional Aria, I've done all the work I needed to do. (Except the reading for the racefail class, but that's, um, my self-prescribed naptime tomorrow. :D?) Basically I am a ninja of accomplishment.

+ My pants are starting to fit again! Now let's see if I can make them fit for real by going back to the gym when I am at least 90% of a functional Aria instead of, say, just subsisting on soup and ginger ale.

+ I am suddenly wildly excited for the due South Seekrit Santa. (Have I mentioned that I love how it's spelled "seekrit"? Best fandom ever alkdfkkdsfjs.) I have been asked to write a story I did not know I desperately wanted to write until I was asked, but wow, I desperately want to write it.

+ I have yet more new Hugh Dillon music. Did I just say best fandom ever? I mean it. Best. fandom. ever.

+ There is another Sherlock Holmes trailer. I could continue this masquerade of insisting that I will be watching this film behind my hands, but let's be honest, I've spent the last few weeks unironically enjoying the High School Musicals and Eastwick and the Plan. I have no taste. More importantly, THEY'VE BEEN FLIRTING LIKE THIS FOR HOURS. I don't care how much weirdass gothica steampunk supernatural whatchamahoozit aesthetic this film has, it also apparently has the Holmes/Watson subtext turned up to eleven.

+ And, of course, my perennial Wednesday night joy, Eastwick! ( Storytime with Uncle Badtouch! goddd I love Roxie. )

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rl: day in the life, fannish: not watching eastwick honest, fannish: sherlock holmes, aria: joy, ol: links

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