dSSS \o/

Oct 21, 2009 17:12

Yuletide? What Yuletide? I mean, yes, of course, joy and small fandoms for all, but I was powerless to resist -- powerless, I tell you! -- in the face of due South Seekrit Santa.

Dear writer,

YAY YOU. <333 You're made of awesome, and I very much look forward to your fic.

My first request is Fraser/Kowalski/Vecchio, because I think that there is never, ever enough F/K/V fic in the world. I love it when the Rays end up with just as strong a rapport as they do with Fraser; I love fic that deals with the aftermath of Vegas for Vecchio; and I love love love good funny banter. (This is true no matter which request you go with!) I would slightly prefer the story of how they get together to an established-relationship one, but if your established-relationship muse calls, absolutely go for that instead.

My second request is Fraser/Kowalski: here conversely I think an established-relationship fic would be awesome. How do they navigate the job in Chicago together without it becoming an issue at work? How do they manage to live together in Canada? And really, how do they keep from killing one another in frustration now and then? Of course if your first-time muse calls, go for that instead; again, as long as you have the banter everything's great.

My third request is Frannie/Welsh, because there is also not enough Frannie/Welsh in the world. Ideally this would be the story of how they get together; Frannie-in-the-Police-Academy or Frannie-the-cop would be ideal, although of course Frannie-doing-anything-awesome is fabulous.

Basically whatever you write will fill me with joy, but in case you want anything further to go on: I especially love ... not casefic exactly, but a good background plot keeping the machine going, and perhaps wacky dashing-about by both our heroes and everyone in the background; I really, really want nice happy endings, although it does not have to be happy on the way to them; I have a strange hankering for kidfic right now that you are absolutely free to completely ignore; and porn is awesome but optional (except in the case of Frannie/Welsh, where ... I don't really want to ever picture Welsh naked, actually, but kissing is aces).

My DO NOT WANTS should be on your form, but here they are: mpreg, non-con, death. Holidays are happy times!

I think that's about it! Thank you again, and happy writing. <3

fannish: due south

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