you know my name

Oct 29, 2007 12:31

And, uh, while Emma's in class I am entertaining myself as best I can. The following was dashed out in ten minutes (is approx. 300 words) and is therefore not even remotely worth putting up on the fic journal, but it amused me, so here it is: Whofic, more or less, inspired by a conversation Emma and I had last night.

He'd been in exile for-- oh, not too long, now. He died too frequently for it to be very long.

This wasn't a problem, as such, because he still had a few regenerations up his sleeve; one more weapon in his arsenal of gadgets and bits of convenient deus ex machina. Still, he did have a rather unfortunate tendency to get himself into incredibly inconvenient situations and die. His friends-- well, acquaintances, he wasn't very good at relationships-- were usually very understanding of his regenerations, sometimes even going so far as to not mention it at all. Of course they didn't mention it. The British government was good at what it did. He knew some of them saw him as a liability, an unknown factor, but his expertise was useful, and even more so his ability to die without dying, so they allowed him to be.

The government didn't know about the women he sometimes picked up, of course, unless the government was supplying the women for the express purpose of being his assistants. Those women usually lasted longer before leaving him (or, infrequently, dying in a sadly permanent way) than did the women he merely picked up in the course of his travels. The government didn't know about the women, and the women didn't know about the regeneration, and he liked to keep it that way: he had no desire to become less than an enigma.

Most Time Lords had terribly fancy names, although some of them picked up silly nicknames or pompous self-imposed titles. Most aliens who visited Earth at least tried to blend in, though. The results were usually somewhat hilarious. (Ford Prefect, for example, charming chap, had a couple of drinks with him once in a little country pub.) And, if not hilarious, terribly unimaginative. John Smith. Ridiculous. This particular Time Lord, exiled on Earth, chose for himself a name halfway between Gallifrey-flash and Earth-boring:

Bond. James Bond.

film: james bond, tv: doctor who, fic: posted, people: emma, fic: crossover, aria: mad things

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