yuletide stuff

Oct 19, 2007 11:57

Zomg Yuletide!

Um, just in case whoever was assigned my prompts stops by in an effort to know more about me and discovers that I compulsively lock everything, here is an open letter.

Dear Yuletide Santa,

Looking back over the prompts I gave, I guess I look equal parts history dork and slash fangirl. Do not be deceived! I live in a world where het and gen are equally acceptable. I also live in a world where the character-choosing thingy in the sign-up sheet strikes me as tragically limiting, and while I would obvs like the characters I chose to be included, I am not particular about any other characters you would like to throw in. Basically, I am easily pleased (and also a history dork).


Becket: I am in love with Henry II. IN LOVE. By that token, please feel free to make him as much of a bastard as you'd like. I am less in love with Thomas Becket. By that token, please feel free to make him as much of a bastard as you'd like. Basically, nothing would delight me more than Henry II and Thomas Becket being bastards at each other. Understatedness and UST and such would probably make me even happier than actual requited stuff, but actual requited stuff would also make me very happy.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: I am in love with Jonathan Strange, and with the Raven King, and with Childermass. I think the world would do very well to have more of any of them. I'd be delighted with any Jonathan and Arabella interaction, or Jonathan and Norrell interaction; anything with a combination of both Jonathan and the Raven King or Childermass and the Raven King would fill me with glee. Alternately I would be incredibly happy with Childermass/Vinculus, esp. of a post-book wacky magical hijinks variety. Fairies of any stripe a definite bonus, and a fic that uses Clarke's writing style will probably make me catatonic with sheer delight.

Tortall: I am also in love with George Cooper. Essentially George in any situation whatsoever would be delightful; George and Alanna, George and Jonathan, George and his thieves, George and his children, George and pretty much anyone from that universe that he could have conceivably met.

Also, despite the fact that obscure characters I didn't even remember existing were on the character list, both Duke Roger and Thom of Trebond were conspicuously absent. I will love you forever if you write me some Thom/Roger, as fucked-up as you like.

3:10 to Yuma: Ben Wade/Dan Evans slash. Or Ben Wade/Charlie Prince slash. Either is good. I really have no elaboration on this but I think any 3:10 to Yuma slash would make the world a better place.

Go forth and have fun writing stuff. :D

Love and unreasonable excitement,

lj: psa, ol: yuletide

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