Hot Hot Heat

Jan 19, 2008 11:40

Last night was a fun night. TSR played at Maxwell's, and though the crowd was thin, there were a lot of our friends there. Russell came out all the way from Suffern, talked with Ian for a bit, but acted really spastic towards me. It's weird because I keep insisting to myself that he's not interested in me, but his behavior suggests a puppy in love. I mean, why the hell else would a 30 year old man drive all the way to Hoboken on a Friday night by himself to see the band the video store girl has ties to? Yeah, it's sticky. He and Ian get along really well, which makes it all the weirder. It's not like Russell is hiding from or dodging Ian, so maybe I'm just over-reacting. I think he's a really cool guy, and I totally dig talking to him, and I can only hope that he understands and respects that when he comes out to see these shows.

Hung out with Melissa and her friend Paul, and Toolbox and his ladyfriend Heather last night. Between Melissa, Heather and myself, we could have torn the bar down with our hyperactivity. I've been talking with Melissa more and more lately- she's a REALLY cool chick. We have very similar personalities, and just get on really well. Heather fit seamlessly into everything last night-Brian, you got a great girl there! She was comfortable talking to everyone, making jokes and teasing; she wasn't afraid to just get out there and have fun. It was cool talking with her, and I really hope she does come live in Jersey. Girl talks fast enough to:)

Started my super-secret project yesterday. It's a portrait of two people, and while one person is nice and easy to draw, the other person is all sinews and overlapping musculature, and it's a bitch to draw. This person's face is lean, and you can literally see the framework of the muscules in the jaw and cheek folding into eachother, and it creates a difficult shape and shadow to draw. Couple this with a low, square jawline, and a narrow face shape, and you might understand why I'm ready to pull my hair out. After doing a study of the person yesterday, I think that if I start by working from the eyes and radiating out, I might have a more solid shot of building a convincing likeness. Once it's done and been presented to the intended receipient, I'll post photos of my process and the finished product.

I could write pages more about all that's going on today, but I'm feeling a little lazy. It's going to be a yo-yo day for Ian- it's the anniversary his friend Ryer's death, so he and Alex are going to the cemetary this afternoon. Then later we're going to a housewarming party for this his Eric and his fiance, Christine. And on top of that, he had to work this morning after playing a show last night. I'd inagine today's really going to put him through the grinder. All I can do is smile and be as good and helpful as he may need me to be. I really have no idea how he'll feel after visiting the cemetary.

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