I saw a girl on campus the other day, and she was wearing opaque black tights with a cute striped skirt and some top I don't remember. This irked me, as obviously she is in on 'the game.' I need some black tights.
Or do I? hm.
So Happy (belated) Valentine's to all~ Josh and I had a lovely but inexpensive celebration where he cooked me dinner (lamb! yummm) and I brought the goods (wine + icecream and cookies). Okay, it wasn't really wine, it was ArborMist. Which is like the barbie beer of wine, but whatever. First alcoholic drink buy on my own since turning 21! And ...I wasn't carded. Yeah. Maybe the lady didn't think ArborMist is really wine (and she'd kind of be right), in the alcohol sense. But it does have alcohol. Anyway, I digress. Oh, and we also watched I, Robot. Not really V-day style, but whatever. It was good though. :D Josh fell asleep. Haha, <3. He'd already seen it anyway.
Yay for cheap Valentine's Days. ^_^
I did get all cutesied up, though. Just because I wanted to. And I also cleaned the house for my mom and picked up after my mom and sis, as my "present" to them. And I brought them cookies home, because Josh and I were good on just ice cream after the dinner.
Ah, so the job hunt is finally on its way. I'm really really hurting for money though, so I hope I get something soon. I've been getting calls/emails about my resume though, from places I sent it to and also from places I didn't send it to. Which is really cool and makes me feel all commercial/corporate--in the "ooh, because of Monster.com, they want me!" sense. Thing is, no where on my resume does it say that I am only looking for part-time work, so that makes things tricky.
The Black Voice News wants me to write for them, though. And assist the editor. And coordinate other writers for them. It's an journalism internship. XD
But it's unpaid. *sigh* So I probably won't be doing it... I don't know, I still need to talk to them. Bloh. I would do it, if I didn't need a paying job more. :\
If I don't find something soon (within the next week), I may resort to being a hostess at a restaurant. Demanding and tiring for lower pay, yes, but it'll pay, and pay is what I need. I'm hurting for money in the debt sense, and in the sense that I really, really need to save for this summer, especially my plane ticket to D.C. for June.
Oh--did I mention? I don't think I did. Yeah, I settled on D.C. as my UCLA Travel Study destination. ^_^ *excited*
Anyhoo--I should go, as I have class early tomorrow morning. And a film screening in the evening (I have to miss Greek Pyramid--boo!). School is still going well, luckily. I'm not procrastinating on my papers this quarter, for ONCE in my life, and so I'll be starting on both of my papers for my SOC classes within the week, as I don't need to worry about the History paper until after we watch the movies for it at the end of this month. I've done extensive research on one already, just need the other. I'm hoping to do extremely well on my Immigration paper though, because not only can I get an A that way, but I'll be able to submit it to some academic journals! This was a personal suggestion to me by my professor for that class, who is wonderful, and with whom I spoke in his office hours last week for like an hour (about the paper, and politics~). :D
Alright, sleep time~
PS: isn't my icon awesome? <3 bridget and colin