Fashion Nerd Alert

Feb 12, 2007 05:08

The 'Fug Girls' of Go Fug Yourself have gotten me into the spirit of fashion with their coverage of New York's Fall 2007 fashion week, and as a lass that so deigns herself to follow/pay attention to the ins and outs of high fashion (also as it trickles into everyday fashion) out of sheer love for clothing and style/aesthetics, I've noticed a number of trends coming our way very soon, though I'm not a huge fan of them all. But at least it keeps things interesting, eh? ;)

What I found characterized Fall 2007:
+opaque/nearly opaque tights (black)
+satin/shiny fabric
+deep purples, blues, greens
+more patent leather heels and flats
+sequins (esp. black), shiny/sparklyness
+transparent/sheer fabrics
+muted colors: esp. drab tans, reds, grays
+metallic colors
+straight, unlayered/chopped hair
+severe hair parted down the middle (gah. go away)
+fur (boo)
+weird/random patterns, esp. contrasting ones, mix-matched!
+lots of drapey, billowy, shapeless things/outfits
+corsets! (yay)
+mod stuffs/silhouettes (yey)
+cloche hats, berets, and other flappery hats
+pockets on dresses! all over the place

In short, a lot of dark and/or muted colors, and a crapload of aesthetically contradicting extremes paired alongside one another (long sleeves v. sleeveless, big/billowy v. tiny/tight, short v. long, etc.).

I think that about covers it. The ones bolded mean that those were in like practically all the collections I looked through (20+) and are pretty much likely to really get in everyday stuff. I really really love the deep (but bright!) purples, magentas/pinks, and blues/indigos among the black though. It's lovely. :D

Gosh I'm such a nerd.

I haven't slept. It's 5am! whee! How will i get anything done today? I don't know! wooo jobhuntingfailurrreeeeee

<3 fashion.

Money for said fashion might be nice, though. Therefore, I am off to catch some zees (zzz's).



fashion, girly

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