Nov 30, 2003 19:25
Today was quite full and interesting. I went shopping with my older sister to the mall that is closest to where we live. I watched as she racked up a huge cost (saying they were good deals) and I spent only $30. Then as we were walking around the mall, she suggested that I come live with her next summer in New York after my trip to France.
I would have a job there, enough to support myself and maybe make a few bucks, and live with her. It would be a chance for me to get out of the central United States and away from my parents who have smothered me for the past 17 years as the youngest child. I would also get a chance to spend time with my older sister who I've never spent more than a week with in my life.
I'm not sure if I will go, or if I will be allowed to go, so I'm a bit fuddled right now...