I should have just booked the flights on Saturday. I'm going to the UK for 3 weeks mid-year, primarily to do some short courses in scottish gaelic at the college on Skye, something I've wanted to do for years. But I didn't book the flights on Saturday. I did them today. And of course they were more than a little more expensive. I shall count it as an expensive life lesson. It's the first time I've travelled overseas since 90-91.
I got distracted by the other expensive purchase I made this week. I've been saving so I can afford, but was still an expensive, expensive week.
On the other hand. That's it more or less. The course is booked. The flights are booked. My leave application is in process. I have my passports. I just need to figure out which friends and family over there I'm going to visit before and after the short courses.
So the stressful part (making decisions) is now over.
I still have to pay for the rest of the course and accommodation, but my bank balance will have had a chance to recover by then.