
Oct 04, 2012 04:22

Well, first I would like to publicly thank everybody who wished me happy birthday yesterday and sent virtual gifts and all (awww!)

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Proust is da man sungaizing85 October 6 2012, 06:14:11 UTC
"Derek was 15 when he first read "In Search of Lost Time" by a pretentious and very much dead French writer whose name tangled around his still-human fangs and came out as Morsel Wurst. His English teacher always yapped about what a great reader Derek was. Gee, thanks so much Miss Donnelly, he'll put that on his resume - great reader - just think of all the rabid employers after his unique skills of opening a book and sitting still for a few hours. Laura of course mocked him, what else was new, and this was one of the reasons why he never liked to talk much in front of others. Considering his slight lisp and 'wittle bunny teeth' that Laura loved to point out. He was a scrawny little shit with a forming unibrow to add more insult to injury."

I regret da votka.


Re: Proust is da man ariadne_mitos October 6 2012, 14:28:31 UTC
just think of all the rabid employers after his unique skills of opening a book and sitting still for a few hours
AHAHAHA! Indeed. Employers never appreciate this much. But you sit still and read. This IS an accomplishment. I know.

with a forming unibrow

I regret da votka
You know this is why I avoid keeping alcohol in my fridge. It never lasts for long and I have a regretful hangover the next day :)


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