(no subject)

Oct 04, 2012 04:22

Well, first I would like to publicly thank everybody who wished me happy birthday yesterday and sent virtual gifts and all (awww!)

The thing is, I completely forgot it was my birthday so aside from working my regural shift at the library I volunteered and took over the shifts of other people. As a result, I ended up working from 13.00 to midnight (am I lame, or what?). So your messages guys truly cheered me up. :D

Oh well, I made up for it today and now I am sufficiently tipsy. You see the academic term has just started in the UK and (this week is the joy of the alcoholic) my college had today (and every year)  this thing called "champagne reception". It is held in the antichapel and it is this thing where you dress up really fancy (dudes are wearing black tie and gaels look like they just came out from a ball held by the Habsburgs or something). One year we even had a harp player but no one was listening anyway, so we never repeated it that (I guess the harp-player was not that cheap).  This is an event for college members only (plus my friends who crush it every year. Seriously, if my college knew how much free booze they have given away to non college members all these years, they would have expelled me) and let me tell you, it served as a great (belated) celebration too.

So, I am now the mystical number 33. Three has always been a magical number for many religions (including Christianism. Holly Trinity and all) and cultures (for the ancient Greeks for example the meeting point of three roads was always a place under the protection of the three-shaped Hekate and it was also a place where bad things could happen. That's where Oedipus killed his father, which resulted in him fucking his mother... yeah, you probably know the rest of the non-NC17 bedtime story). 33 was also the age of Jesus and Alexander the Great (and hopefully some people who did manage to see the 34th year of their life) .

I don't know (yet)  how to make nice gifs to say thanks to all of you guys so I am just dedicating this bilingual song: "Au cafe du  temps perdu" (At the cafe of lost time). Because maybe fandom represents some lost time, but this is also some great time :D

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