goddamn it, ouch. the pair of earrings i had in my hoodie pocket apparently fell out in the living room, and one of them promptly stabbed itself into my heel. after a long day off schlepping around the mall (with a backpack full of mark's laptop) and the wedge co-op. owowow.
we looked at the
bates house again today, which is back on the market. hopefully, we'll be making an offer that they can't refuse. hopefully, we'll be able afford the repairs that owning a house like that will require. hopefully, the house won't fall apart around us and will be as beautiful as we're thinking it can be. hopehopehope.
owowow. foot still hurts. head hurts too.
still have to finish up cleaning for the party tomorrow, but at least the videos were found (at my parent's house. rar. so much for searching the basement all morning...), minus the 3rd new one which we rented.
time to go help with dinner. i was presently surprised with comforting tea, so i'm a bit less riled than when i started this post, whew.