Almost done P3P. Just one problem; I keep making it to the part where Nyx switches her arcana to Justice and then she Hamaon's me and I die due to lack of homonculi. >:I I will probably just pull a Null Light persona and switch it to that right before she attacks because there's no way in hell I'm leveling up for this.
She.... he? I don't know anymore.
Level 75 Hard Mode
Genius, Bewitching, Badass
Just like real life! ha ha.
0 Max
I. Rank 9 (So close!)
II. Max
III. Rank 4 (I totally forgot about her until the end of the game)
IV. Max
V. Max
VI. Max
VII. Max
VIII. Rank 8 (Well, that's one way to avoid doing it with a ten-year-old)
IX. Max
X. Max ("Make me feel like I'm alive!" That's not the way into my pants Ryoji. >:l )
XI. Max ( Dog beats fox, nuff said)
XII. Max
XIII. Max (I'm such good friends with Thanatos that I have two unbreakable bonds with him.
XIV. Max (First rank 10 <3)
XV. Max
XVI. Max
XVII. Rank 8 (Why wouldn't you hang out with meeeee!)
XVIII. Max (Best. Boyfriend. Ever.)
XIX. Max
XX. Max
XX Aeon. Rank 6 (Not enough time, sorry Aigis)
I need to find myself a good digital copy of Persona 2: Innocent Sin. I've heard all kinds of fabulous about it and I've already got an English patch.
Guess which option I'd pick.