
Jul 01, 2010 07:34

July's question: What's the big deal with birthdays?

Last month was a big celebration month in my family. My brother turned twenty and one of my sisters turned fourteen, and we celebrated Father's Day with my grandfather. Each event fell in the same week, the two birthdays being only a day apart and everything requires celebration. Ugh.
It's not that I don't like birthdays. Well, actually, I do. But the introvert in me does not like the celebration part at all. I don't like the get-togethers, I hate when people I don't know wish me happy birthday, because if you know me, you should know I don't like celebrating my birthday. I don't want any gifts, I don't want any cake, I don't take the day off, and I'd actually like to forget that it's my birthday.
I mean, so what? I'm a year older. Whoopie, I was born xx years ago, big freaking deal, babies are born everyday. Why bother with presents? Why bother with cake? If anybody wants to get me something, get me something, but let's not make a big deal about it, seriously.
I do like buying gifts for people, but I don't like feeling obligated to buy something for someone, especially if it's a situation where the recipient needs/wants nothing and won't offer a reasonable gift suggestion (wishlist? yeah) but still expects to get something good. I hate being put on the spot, and I hate the disappointment when someone doesn't like the gift.
Besides, maybe one day, if everyone really forgets my birthday and I get to skip it all for one year, maybe I will miss it. Maybe. But for now, my stance is to blow all birthdays off the calendar.

P.S. Apropos to nothing, I hate summer.

july, birthdays

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