Just a little head's up to let everyone know that I am not dead. I know that it looks like this journal has been abandoned since the last entry was done in June and Nexus posts have been few and far between since then. Over the past six months time has had a habit of getting away from me and I have been at war with a bout of writer's block. After unexpectedly losing my father to a long standing illness back in April my life hasn't exactly been easy, and the desire to write got shoved aside by emotional distress and work related drama. Now, however, most of that stress and drama has been brought under control and I plan to get back into the swing of things because my head is in danger of exploding from backlogged post ideas.
That being said to make up for the giant gap between posts I will be doing a few filler posts and backdating them so that they fall into place. I'll also be re-writing some of the narratives already posted since I am unhappy with their current states. For those of you playing Xavier based characters feel free to post in
site_xavier and please, take some initiative in keeping your characters active. You do not need my permission to post in Sages or Dear_Multiverse, and the more interest you show in playing your characters the more motivated I and my co-admin will be to get the ball rolling with things such as missions and strictly Xavier based play. We can't do this entirely on our own, not with a cast this large. The plot has evolved past our ability to shoulder most of the characters in this little science versus humanity drama.