Random post of random and one important question (hint: just read #4)

Aug 17, 2010 11:29

Hello lovelies. In no particular order:

1. Are you reading mcshep_match? You should be. I have a story for Team Work. (Has it already been posted? Who knows?) There have been some great stories already. I'm tempted to offer a prize for guessing my story, but I don't have a good track record with that. Still, maybe we can arrange something... At any rate ( Read more... )

life of argosy

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argosy August 22 2010, 02:11:10 UTC
The vibes have worked, thank goodness! He's home and well.

I'm just going to copypaste the answer I gave to sgamadison as to what a friending meme is:

A friending meme is basically a post that you comment to answering a few predetermined questions--like: What is your favorite thing about SGA? What do you like about the fandom? How do you participate in the fandom? My favorite pairing is_____? Do you have any other fandoms? What else do you post about?

Or whatever. Not too many questions. Then you look at other people's answers and comment and friend, if you so desire. A lot of times it's people you've seen around, but never friended for whatever reason, or sometimes it's new people. But you're not obligated to friend anyone, of course. It's just kind of a fun thing if you want to meet new people. Personally, my flist could use a little shaking up, and I'm seeing a lot of new names around, so that's why I want to do one.

I hope you'll think about it. I'm going to try to find a few for examples, and I'll link you if you want to get an idea.


horridporrid August 24 2010, 20:44:30 UTC
Oh, like a party. :) That sounds like fun, actually. I'll plan on participating.

And I'm glad your brother is doing well. Happy endings are the best. :D


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