Random post of random and one important question (hint: just read #4)

Aug 17, 2010 11:29

Hello lovelies. In no particular order:

1. Are you reading mcshep_match? You should be. I have a story for Team Work. (Has it already been posted? Who knows?) There have been some great stories already. I'm tempted to offer a prize for guessing my story, but I don't have a good track record with that. Still, maybe we can arrange something... At any rate ( Read more... )

life of argosy

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busaikko August 17 2010, 20:29:25 UTC
I hope your brother is okay and can come home! *hugs*

I've never done a friending meme. They've always seemed really weird to me, like mingling at a party (I am a very, very, very bad mingler). I'm totally embarrassed to show my face. But if you wanted to get one off the ground, asking Teams Work and Play if you could advertise to their members (lots of people on there with good-sized flists).... I think running it simultaneously in LJ and DW is the way to go (and make sure people add both their user names; a lot of the time, I have *no idea!* that X on LJ is also Y on DW).

I think there's a love meme or an appreciation meme or something now? So maybe after that?


busaikko August 17 2010, 20:30:26 UTC
P.S. Post a link to your song! Please! Or let me do it! It makes me so happy you simply would not believe ♥


argosy August 20 2010, 20:57:52 UTC
That's nice to hear... I'd be embarrassed to ask you to post it. But I am kind of feeling just that much in need for attention, so maybe I'll do it today. Also, on Friday there's less LJ traffic so I'd feel less embarrassed? (I have a weird need for attention and also a low embarrassment threshold. Go figure)


argosy August 20 2010, 20:53:36 UTC
My brother finally came home two days ago, and he's fine, thanks! But it's been a rough annoying week.

I really want to do a friending meme, I think. Maybe next week? I just have to figure out the logistics. I hope you would consider mingling a little--I've met some good people this way. It's just a way to meet people you have something in common with. My flist needs a bit of shaking up lately. :D


busaikko August 21 2010, 01:22:14 UTC
If you run it, I will come *g*

Good news about your brother! Too bad that otherwise life is giving you trouble.... I was playing your song to my brother in the car today, and he loved it.


argosy August 22 2010, 02:13:53 UTC
I was playing your song to my brother in the car today, and he loved it.

Heh, you're awesome. That's really sweet of you (and your brother), thanks!


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