My Week, in Summary

May 25, 2008 16:16

WHAT I MEANT TO POST ON MONDAY: Off to Tohmacon followed by Animazement.  Back in a week...probably with a semi-lengthy post of summary (I heart Semagic).  Sadly, this means I'll have loads of posts to catch up on.  Bleh.

The drive down to Tohma's was nice.  Not terribly long, and once we entered North Carolina the miles kept magically disappearing.  We spent a decent part of Monday just hanging around, but on Tuesday we went bowling.  In costume.  As perhaps was appropriate, given I was mostly dressed as Ryoma (I left off the wig...), I tended to start games poorly/get better as the game went on/both.  I topped 100 (102!) on the last and third game, so I feel like I did okay.  Even got a couple of strikes and some spares in there, which I still am surprised at when I manage (why yes, I am an inconsistant bowler).  Then there was sewing.  And skit choreographing.  And, uh, sometimes having dogs about can hinder one's skit practicing.

More sewing Wednesday.  This was also the day where I pulled out my laptop and started watching things while sewing.  Started off with the 3rd and 4th Digimon movies, then started in on Abarenger, since I hadn't made it through that yet.  Didn't get to far, though, before I stopped watching anything for a couple hours, at which point I switched to rewatching some of Magiranger.  There was also the movement of costumes from a closet in the basement to the barn, after which I banished my Seigaku stuff to my car, as I didn't plan on wearing it for the con.  More sewing and American Idol and a bit of skit practice that evening, then I called it a night so I could take care of my packing stuff in the morning.

I was up early, so to speak (7 am-ish), on Thursday, which happily meant more sewing time.  Which was good, as I was still sewing the last bit on the skirt I needed for my skit and finishing that would mean that I could finish hemming my Hyoutei jacket.  I drove from Tohma's to the hotel, where we hung out for a while waiting for the van full of stuff to arrive.  Then more hanging around, at which point I finished getting dressed as Dan (my wig, shoes, and socks had all been in the van, along with my notebook).  After that, everybody headed over to prereg, where we discovered a surprisingly long line for a Thursday badge pickup (particularly surprising, apparently, for this con, because even the staff seemed a bit confused by it).

I was up early again Friday, so I went ahead and got dressed (pretty much in the dark, really) as Nami.  There was, despite having most of the original five Mugiwaras, a lack of recognition of anyone that was not Zoro.  I bought a couple of pictures in Artist Alley and a CD of Koda Kumi, so I actually expanded my J-music collection a little.  I am not much impressed the Dealer's Room at Animazement, incidentally.  On the other hand, I snagged two free copies of Japanese Shonen Jump (noteworthy manga chapters inside: most of Tachibana v. Chitose for PoT, Nami v. the bubble lady and Sanji v. Jyabura for One Piece).  In my continued rewatching of Magiranger, I rediscovered that Makito is, on occasion, a bit of a spaz (Ichi, Ni!).  I will probably revisit the appropriate episode for screencapping later.  Also, I went to the sentai panel, during which we watched Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai (there were plenty of peanut gallery comments) and I was gender-outnumbered ridiculously.  I swear, the panel started out with the only females being me and the panel's host.  My perception of sentai fandom was gender skewed?.

There's a thing about me, sleep, and cons.  When I'm not at cons, I can be counted on to stay up until midnight and get up around 8/9 am.  However, at cons I tend to be up at 7 or before and head toward bed around 9 or 10.  That's just how my sleeping habits at cons go.  I've never really figured out why I manage to make this shift so easily between con weekend and normal week, but it happens every time.  And, to some extent, when I'm going out of town for family trips too.  Needless to say I've learned to quietly turn on my laptop and fiddle with stuff on it when I need to occupy myself for a few hours.  This is a bit more difficult when I'm sharing hotel space with folks that sleep later and I don't want to disturb them with light from laptop screen (I'm polite like that).

Back to recap.  Saturday was Nami, round two.  I watched a kendo demonstration, followed by cosplay chess.  After that I went to a One Piece photo shoot.  I spent a bit of time there, then headed back for food and to change for our skit.  After a lot of time spent standing in line to get entered in the cosplay, we finally made it into a room that was rather warm the entire room we were in there.  Our skit, btw, was Grease!Naruto (I was Sakura, and there may be pictures later...once I get pictures TAKEN that I can upload that is).  I flubbed a little while performing, but not terribly.  And, to my great excitement, we won second place in the most difficult category.  Which means, that between the five of us, we got $10 each.  Also, there were two Rick Rolls during the other skits.

Quickie Grease/Naruto reference, for memory's sake, as we figured it out during Tohmacon:
Rock of the other T-birds

The power was out in our hotel briefly on Sunday (right as I was getting up, naturally), which let to the eternally fun situation of using the bathroom in the dark.  Then there was a brief flurry of packing after I got my bedding into my car.  I ran into a_drawer_4ever briefly once I got to the con (and here I figured that nobody I actually knew was going to be at the con other than the folks I was staying with...).  I didn't stay very long, at which point I drove back with Suzu.  And then I discovered that being one week away from the Internet=more than 300 posts to read/skim/sort through.  Bleh...

animazement, life, tohmacon

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