I saw Up. It was wonderful, and I laughed and cried my way through it. :)
I'm starting to get nervous about my work situation. We keep hearing rumblings from upper management corporate types about shutting down stores and whatnot, and most people think it's just empty threats to squeeze more profit out of us (not that there's a recession on, or anything...), but it worries me. Where would I find another job that would fit my scheduling and school needs? I like my job. I get to work with my hands and not with my brain. It's a nice break from grad school. And my co-workers are the best. I really hope they don't end up closing my store...
My friends list on LJ seems to have dwindled. I haven't seen lots of people for a while. Where the heck is
thepresidentrix? I usually can't get her to slow down and breathe in between sentences, and now she's not here anymore. Hmm. I mean, she's my sister, so if anyone knows where she is, it would be me. I mean, I know where she is right now, but where online? No idea. She's a crazy one, my sis. :)
I wish I could take a trip somewhere really cool, like the UK or New Zealand. If only I were rich. :)
I'm dead tired. I wonder what it feels like to be rested or refreshed or not exhausted, like all those people on the sleep aid commercials seem to be. I don't think I've had a restful sleep since I was a very small child, regardless of how many hours it lasts. I have these fun permanent dark circles under my eyes that actually purple when you look at them up close. Purple! And when things get really bad, they start to look almost dark blue. Crazy.
Hey, if anyone wants to follow me on Twitter, my username is ellen[underscore]g. I like Twitter. I'm on it all the time. I even had a conversation with Clare Kramer once. :D
Speaking of tired, I need to go to bed now. Goodnight. :)