Urban gardening workshop at
Common Good City Farm this weekend. Simultaneously energizing and exciting (I inoculated coffee grounds with mushroom spores! And sawed off part of a board for a raised bed! And helped to sheet mulch an entire bed--now it looks like it's been there for years, even though the soil has a ways to go!) and totally overwhelming. Common Good is one of the coolest places I've been in DC, and I'd love to work somewhere like that--but why? What's the cool variable I like here--the community involvement, the innovative-solutions-to-food-deserts part, the education potential, the farming itself? And how does that translate into a job? I don't actually want to be a farmer,do I? And really, gardening is mostly about trial and error, growing things to see what happens, so how do I turn off the Mawrterly impulse that tells me that more schooling/classes will fill in all my knowledge gaps, re gardening and life in general?
Clearly the solution here is just to pick out an empty lot in ward 8 and start in with the soil testing and sheet mulch. That's how most of the other gardens in DC seem to have begun, and it can't be more futile than looking for jobs on the internet. If I started now I might even be able to grow a few things in spring...