-After school I walked to the mall, at the time oblivious to the fact that it was going to pour down rain. While there, I picked up DDR Ultramix 3 (kickass game) and witnessed the arrival of boxes labeled with the street date 11/22. Core 360's ahoy! Speaking of the 360, the guy at EB pulled up my spot on the waiting list and delivered bad news. Because Microdicks pulled the rug out from under the US retailers to support the worldwide release, the second shipment of 360's may not get to US retailers until late January. Shenanigans.
-I got an offer for my D-Sword Vega. Problem is, he's in Britain, so shipping might be prohibitive fot him. Meh, there will always be another buyer.
-I need a new Xbox Live headset badly.
-Lost was cool.
We learned more about the tail survivors and how their numbers shrank, and why Ana-Lucia has done what she has done during our time with her. Ethan Rom was a pussy compared to the tailies' attackers. And the Others are pure evil.