Jan 20, 2010 16:12
So for all those who do not know, I quit my job on Monday. I'm still working until they find a replacement (who could ever replace meeeee?), so I'm still here, but yeah. No job, no plan really. I just couldn't take any more of Bob's bullshit mind games and my own soul-crushing guilt at waking up every morning to waste my time here, disengaged, uninterested, blah blah blah you get it you get it.
The Act:
so the final blow when Bob (back from his "vacation" and under the hot, hateful, glaring bulp of five attorneys that despise his existence) felt a little uncomfortable and decided the best course of action was to call me into his office and give me a long list of tasks and ways in which I was failing at my job. It wasn't the work itself. It was the way he ran me down again, that arched tone of his that carries in its undercurrent the belief that I'm a lesser human being, incapable of true intelligence. It was the way he demanded to know WHY I hadn't gotten information for him on these two organizations, and on hearing me reply, "I got that information for both them. Do you remember? You said you didn't need it," he said "We do need it. We need all of it," in his favorite I'm-so-dissappointed-in-you-why-couldn't-they-just-give-me-a-good-secretary-who-was-actually-competent? way. It was the way he said, "I'd like to see progress on this by Wednesday," to let me know that he didn't give a damn what else I had to do, or what obstacles I was working with. On Wednesday my ass would be grass.
In a way I guess I kind of panicked. I know this is how he starts playing his little games and I just knew I couldn't survive another round of it. So at the end of the day I turned in my two weeks notice. Basically we can't work together, and they can't get rid of him, so it's time for me to move.
Some Sadness:
I'm totally terrified of not having a job. I'm beginning to realize it's not so much because I'm afraid of not having any money, it's because I'm afraid of not having any structure to my life. I know this sounds weird but it's like getting to the end of video game you've been trying to beat for forever, and you really want to defeat the final boss and get it over with, but at the same time, it's always a little sad to be like, "oh, I guess I don't need to save my health potions anymore" (This concludes the most tragically nerdy analogy I'll ever make, thank you for listening).
Anyway, everyone here has been very sweet about it. My boss had this look of almost pride when I told her I just wanted to something more challenging. She told me she always knew this day would come and she absolutely understood (awww!) So that was really, really nice.
I still haven't told my parents, making this the biggest life decision I've ever made without them (or against their advice, or whatever, anyway it's a big deal)
And of course the Feepits have been super, super supportive which I truly appreciate. It's so great to have freinds like you as I'm going through this. :D
The Plan:
JK. I'm actually a certified bar tender, so I think I'm going to start applying to restaurants and see where that takes me. It'll be a rough pay decrease and hard, exhausting work, but I'm really just not built for an office, I realize, and besides, for a little while anyway it'll totally rock (!) It'll also give me some flexiblity to try to get in some NoVA classes if it comes down to it, and that would be awesome. Unfortunately, it would severely cripple my ability to go places (WANDERLUST) on the weekends, but hopefully I can work something out and it won't be forever anyway. I'm also hoping to join this teaching program for the summer going to Cairo, so...cross your fingers for me that that works out! Obviously if you hear of any openings anywhere over the next couple weeks please give me a holler, because I should really start applying anywhere I can at this point. you know, because having money is cool and all.
Anyway, so that's the big news. I'm very excited to do something new and escape the Evil!
(Still totally planning on Katsu and Kendo unless something bad comes up.)
wow i just quit my job,