Reptile Boy drabble

Nov 24, 2008 15:06

This week is Reptile Boy at  fantas_magoria

I have written a drabble.
Inside Xander's mind. Be afraid.  :0)


Lipstick and a bra. Not the sort of thing a boy usually wears at a party. These frat boys are mean. The things they make the pledges do. It’s humiliating. So why am I putting up with it? I’m here for Buffy. I’m going to make sure nothing happens to her.

“Oh, are you talking to me? You think I’m cute? Er…you’re not so bad yourself. My cup size?”

Mind on the job, Xander Harris.  Buffy. I’m here to keep an eye on her. Make sure she is going to…

“Thanks, I’d love a beer. Great party, isn’t it?”


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