Having beaten the game (well, if you don't count those two puzzles that I missed even though I clicked everywhere but couldn't find), I'm now semi-seriously thinking of cosplaying the
good professor himself.
Downsides: it'd be my first crossplay that's actually supposed to look like a guy (my others being Nuriko and Kurapica, who are supposed to look like girls), I'd have to do something with my hair, and
no one seems to have made a decent version of the costume yet except
this guy, implying that humans are perhaps not meant to imitate the puzzler.
Upsides: not nearly as much sewing as Tegami Bachi, getting to bother people with puzzles all day, and my head's a lot less angular than some of the really failed attempts in the above link. Also, I think where a lot of them went wrong is in the proportions, and I know math.