this meme? Yeah, if it weren't for my to-do-list-writing tendencies I'd have forgotten it, too.
Anyway, three more doodles for that meme!
of-silverandsky asked for bandom fairies
Remember when I told you that Ryan was a taylor fairy that sew leaves-hat for all the fox cubs? )
I was cooing over the other pic you did for sunsetmog's steampunk AU when she was up - Spencer + Brendon + hedgehogs might very well be the most wonderful thing ever.
Anything combined with hedgehogs is wonderful, but Brendon+Spencer+hedgehog is truly divine :)
Of course you can request a drawing! What would you like?
Consider your drawing done! OMG! Never, ever shut up! HOLY SHEEP! This is the AU I didn't know I needed in my life! SO , so amazing! I have stars for eyes!
I don't know what happens in the middle, but i know it ends with Spencer and Brendon riding off into the sunset on Falkor-Zack's back. :D
And I feel bad because Ryan is Spencer's horse and he dies in the film and I can't think of anyone for Jon to be!
Would you like the full cast replacements? *grins*
JON IS MORLA! Ryan has to be sacrificed... and at the end of the movie Artax was alive again, so Ryan would be just dead-for-a-while....
Yes, give me the full cast *grabby hands*
I think the only missing characther is Gmork, but I don't know who you'd cast to play him... Is there a bad guy in bandom?
I have't ever watched Jamie's Magic Torch, but wikipedia tells me that its creator was responsible for Count Duckula and therefore I gather that Jamie's Magic Torch must be awesome :D
I'm friending you right back \o/
Yeah, I didn't want to cast a bad guy. Hrm.....
Ahah it was so wiiierd. But awesome.
\o/ woo!
Why there always have to be a bad guy? Ugh. You could make Bert be Gmork, but I don't know The Used much (plus, Bert is always the bad guy..). Maybe you could use someone who is not really in bandom? Like Brandon Flowers? I think he'd make a good bad guy...
I'm tempted to just leave him as Gmork. When I was wee I thought he was a personification of the Nothing.
And yes, leave him as Gmork! I like this solution! If I remember correctly, he says he's the Nothing's servant or something like that...
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