this meme? Yeah, if it weren't for my to-do-list-writing tendencies I'd have forgotten it, too.
Anyway, three more doodles for that meme!
of-silverandsky asked for bandom fairies
Remember when I told you that Ryan was a taylor fairy that sew leaves-hat for all the fox cubs? )
Bastian - Brendon
Atreyu - Spencer
Artax - Ryan
The Childlike Empress - Pete
Cairon, the Empress' servant - Patrick
Falkor the Luck-Dragon - Zack
Engywook and his wife Urgl - Gabe and Vicky T
Night-Hob - Gerard
Bat - Mikey
Teeny-Weeny the Snailrider - Frank
Racing Snail - Ray
Rockbiter - Bob
Morla - Jon (thank you, that one totally hadn't occured to me. *grin*)
Now, I've never read the book, just seen the first film, so there may be other characters I'm missing. But these are the ones that have been flitting about in my brain.
Mostly It was Night Hob Gerard and Teeny Weeny Frank travelling around Fantasia together, and Spencer and Brendon flying off into the sunset on Zack's back, chasing bullies down the street. :D
And don't even get me started on the bandom Jamie's Magic Torch, only it's Mikey's Magic Glasses, and whenever he rubs them clean, a magic world opens, with Gerard-esque hermits and Bob-esque bears, and a Prince called Peter with his singing Dragon, Trick. OH GOD MY BRAIN.
Also, I am friending you. :D
I think the only missing characther is Gmork, but I don't know who you'd cast to play him... Is there a bad guy in bandom?
I have't ever watched Jamie's Magic Torch, but wikipedia tells me that its creator was responsible for Count Duckula and therefore I gather that Jamie's Magic Torch must be awesome :D
I'm friending you right back \o/
Yeah, I didn't want to cast a bad guy. Hrm.....
Ahah it was so wiiierd. But awesome.
\o/ woo!
Why there always have to be a bad guy? Ugh. You could make Bert be Gmork, but I don't know The Used much (plus, Bert is always the bad guy..). Maybe you could use someone who is not really in bandom? Like Brandon Flowers? I think he'd make a good bad guy...
I'm tempted to just leave him as Gmork. When I was wee I thought he was a personification of the Nothing.
And yes, leave him as Gmork! I like this solution! If I remember correctly, he says he's the Nothing's servant or something like that...
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