Not Dead

Jun 07, 2006 21:26

     Ok so I’m not dead.  I haven’t been in the best of moods to write in this journal but my counselor said it would be good for me to pick it back up. gahh I just don’t want to make my friends depressed or worried reading my stuff.  So where to begin…

Still no information from the Army about Billy and why he died…Its still under “Investigation” as they say.  We got his stuff from Bagdad and his army base and it gat me all depressed because it was like 10 or eleven boxes.  When I first saw them all I could think was, “So this is all that is left of my brother, 10 boxes, this is his legacy.”  My dad and I went through all of his stuff to look for clues or anything suspicious.  Guess what we found. An inhaler and a medical report that said he had developed asthma.  I almost went physco right then and there because No ONE who has asthma is susposto be allowed to go over seas or deployed. NO ONE!!! As soon as they are diagnosed with asthma they should be honorably discharged form the Army.  But they kept him and sent him anyways.  What should I think about this…

Enough about that for now because I’m getting pissed.

My Mom and I helped Michelle move onto UNO campus yesterday. We filled up her car and moms truck with her stuff.  She lives on the 3 floor of the good apartments on campus but the bad thing about that is there is no elevator. -.-  So that was lots of fun.

I Aced my 3 classes this semester and my GPA is 3.78. Go me! And I decided on a major.  DRAMA. Who would have thought.

O I am going to go visit Piper in Ohio on the 13th!  I get to stay till the 26 and get away from Louisiana for a bit.  I miss her so much but we’re going to have fun.  I had to work my ass off to get the money for the plan tickets by cleaning and tending the backyard.  The dreaded place of DOOM! Since the hurricane it has been a complete mess and I tackled it all by myself.

That’s all for now.


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