Jul 19, 2004 12:15
as shitty as this past week has been, today almost made up for it. for the next 4 days, CBS and UPN are having their new season press tour for the Film Critics Association. so all day they've been doing interviews, press releases, and promotions for their new fall lineup. fortunately i got to work the afterparty today at Dodger Stadium. it was amazing!! not only did i get to talk to some celebs (who, for the most part, were all really cool...Amber from Surivivor and Kristen Storms were the HOTTEST girls there, Doris Roberts and Rupert from Survivor were the nicest) and see the upcoming shows...i also got to take a private tour of the Dodger clubhouse! *bounces around* i got to walk on the field, go down into the dugout, walk through the tunnels, and even into the locker room. it was like a dream looking at all the player's lockers and their jerseys hanging on the walls, and all the little pics they have lying around. this job doesn't pay for shit, but all the little perks that come along with it are pretty amazing. i think wednesday UPN is having a pool party at a hotel. i'm not working it, but i'm gonna try and sneak in...mwuahahaha.