[Drabble] Mourning (Naruto)

May 12, 2005 04:01

Title: Mourning
Author Arccie
Genre: angst (?)
Words: 109
Summary: For Naruto, mourning is orange.

Author Notes: Amazingly, I've finally written something for a Fandom that isn't PoT!!! Its a drabble...but at least it's something.
This was written at 2am in the morning, refusing to let me sleep until it was down on paper. I like the writing style...quick and simple...and easy to mass produce a bunch of drabbles ^_^


For Naruto, mourning was orange.

It was the knowledge that no matter his skills, no one would notice. It was the fact that no matter how loud or crazy he was, he always went home to an empty apartment. It was the understanding that his friends could more rightly be called acquaintances, their goodwill ending when the mission finished. It was the awareness that almost everyone else knew more about his parents than he did. It was the scorn of an entire village for something he couldn’t control. It was many years of memories, none of which he wanted.

For Naruto, mourning was the colour he wore everyday.

Reviews appreciated. Criticisms considered. Flames ignored.

naruto, fic, gen

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