Yuletide letter

Nov 04, 2009 20:44

Dear yuletide Holiday Fairy,

Happy Holidays! Thank you for signing up for one of my fandoms! I will love whatever you write, whether you go with the prompts or have a completely different idea. :)

The prompts in my sign up are intended to help inspire, not to constrain. So, please feel free to twist them around however you like, or to ignore them completely. I've left two prompts for each fandom in an attempt to be helpful; they aren't intended to be combined. (Although of course if you have an idea and want to do so, that would be great.) Again - please ignore the prompts if they aren't your style, or if you're the type of writer who works best with a blank canvas.

My only squicks are watersports/scat/Roman showers, incest, and underage (15 or so). I love darkfic and dark themes, but I'm not generally fond of hurt/comfort. Crack/Humor is great. I love femslash, gen, het, and slash equally.

Mostly, have fun! I can't wait to see what you come up with!


My requests:

I love the characters on this show. They are all so passionate about what they are doing.
1) Astrid! Any Astrid fic would be incredible. I'd love her POV on working with Walter, Olivia, and Peter - how and why she puts up with so much all the time.
2) William Bell/Nina Sharp - any moment between these two in the past.

Whats New Scooby Doo? (tv)
I love the updated feel of this version. Somehow, they've managed to bring the gang into more modern times without sacrificing the essence of the characters or the fun of it. I really enjoy the in-jokes and self-awareness.
1) A mystery! One of the Scooby team is gay - can the group figure out which one? (Extra bonus points if it's Fred or Daphne.) Note: I'm not really thinking of anything Just Plain Wrong with this, but if you are inspired to go there that's always cool.
2) Fred is not a natural blond.

V (1984 tv)
When this first aired, I was immediately hooked. Juliet was my crush/hero, and I'd still argue she deserves more credit for being HBIC than is generally remembered. The cheesy sci-fi elements were awesome - for example, the lizards see us as food but still are fascinated by human sex? Really? *g*. It's fair to say that I love this show the more for its flaws.
1) Diana/Juliet, please! Femslash would be awesome, but if you're not comfortable writing it, any intense moment(s) between them would be great. I'd love something dark - maybe Diana captures Juliet and tries to twist her - or the other way around would be just as good. Go as dark as you like - I'm difficult to squick with this pairing - or keep it subtle and psychological.
2) I adore Willie and anything happy featuring him would be fantastic.

UPDATE: Not sure if you'll see this, but I realized the first V prompt could be confusing. The miniseries and the series blended in my mind while I was requesting. This scenario could easily be a missing scene from Diana's attempt to use the conversion process on Julie, or a new scene playing on this post-miniseries/during the series. Otherwise, a payback scene of some kind post-miniseries in which Julie has Diana captive would be brilliant - I have a huge kink for good, strong characters pushed into doing things they normally wouldn't.

Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote
This book shows on one hand how ridiculous people get when they take an ideal to an extreme - while at the same time showing the appeal of living a life that way. It's all about having a sense of perspective, which is something I think the modern world could use a bit more of.
1) I'd love to see these characters updated to modern times - or a story in their own time, but where our hero takes on (symbolicaly) an issue relevant to today.
2) Don Quixote picks up the pen and tries his hand at writing a little bit of fanfiction.


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