question for parents, teachers, and/or math geeks

Oct 27, 2009 10:08

When I was a girl, I had a toy that was basically a handheld calculator made by Texas Instruments called Dataman. (Link to one on eBay is here.) It worked like flash cards at varying levels of difficulty for basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (with what amounts to VERY basic Algebra like []+8=16). There were also simple games along these lines. I honestly credit this toy with giving me a strong early interest and ability in math.

My daughter's asked for flash cards, which I intend to get, but I'd also like to get her something like this. She has a Leapster handheld, which she enjoys, but to be honest, I don't see that the games are really all that educational - they're mostly pretty easy and seem more focused on the game than the learning.

Anyway, I might pick up a Dataman from eBay, but if there's a more modern version of it out there somewhere, I'd rather go that route.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
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