The Large Hadron Collider is flinging lead ions around and creating mini big bangs. I wonder if somewhere mini-universes are being created? The experiment is called ALICE.
I’ve been thinking about the election, and what it means. It’s hard not to, since NPR has spent an awful lot of time talking about it. Ok, so the Democrats lost the election. Really though, the biggest loss is going to be that of the various governors in light of the redistricting that’s going to happen in 2011. The loss of the house? Big deal. In the 2 years that Democrats had control of the legislative and executive branches they managed to do an awful lot, and while I don’t agree with all of it, undoing it is going to be extremely difficult. Plus, now that the Republicans are in charge of the house it gives Obama and the rest of the Democrats a real foil to use for 2012.
Besides, what’s the point of being in charge if you don’t use that power to make the changes you want to make? Staying in power for power’s sake is the wrong motivation. The Democrats used their power, and yeah, maybe they could have done more, but what they did do will resonate for years to come.
Tonight is the official end of Halloween. You wont find that title on any calendar (or at least not on any calendar I’ve ever seen), but it’s real. How is it the end of Halloween? Because tonight’s the night I packed it all away. Now it’s time to gear up for Thanksgiving (only two and a half weeks away!?!?) and then Christmas. Crazy. This year has flown by.
LaVar Burton has been waiting Years to use this joke. Apparently, Nicaragua invaded Costa Rica last week, and the Nicaraguans are claiming it’s Google’s fault. Google is blaming bad info from the US State Department. Also, it’s not easy being green.
But being a muppet isn't so bad.