Temp Wal-Mart worker is trampled to death as store opens.
LONG ISLAND, New York (CNN) -- The death of a temporary Wal-Mart worker trampled by customers amid frantic Black Friday shopping could have been avoided, the union that represents retail workers said Saturday.
Jdimytai Damour, 34, was crushed as he and other employees attempted to unlock the doors of a Long Island, New York, store at 5 a.m. Friday, police said.
Is this what we've become? According to the story people started lining up at WalMart at 9pm on Thanksgiving Day. Now, as ridiculous as that sounds, I can somewhat understand it. I saw the lines for the iPhone in San Francisco. I get the excitement. But to break doors so that you can get that 26" LCD TV before anyone else does and, oh by the way, run over a fellow human being in the process and ending their life, that is one of the saddest statements on America and its lack of humanity I can think of.
I don't care what the deal is, I will never, ever, be at the opening of a store on Black Friday. I likely will never shop on Black Friday either, but walking in leisurely at 5pm in the afternoon is a far cry from the idiocy that was demonstrated at 5am Friday morning.
What a crazy time we live in...